Step 1: Preparation

Below are a number of quick videos that you can review to bring yourself up to speed on biking to work. We would like to take the time to acknowledge The League of American Bicyclists for creating the videos used below.  Additionally, the Global Cycling Network for its content as well.  BikeMonthICT is using these videos solely for their informative nature to help ensure that Wichitans have the safest experience possible.

Although the videos are short, we recommend reviewing these videos over some time to allow yourself to use the information to prepare.  The amount of preparation you may have to do will vary based on your current overall cycling experience, cycling gear, and familiarity with safe routes.  However, don’t expect your first bike to work experience to be perfect.  The point is to get out and ride.  But above all else, we want your ride to be SAFE!

We have ordered these videos in an order that we think is most useful in building your cycling knowledge, however, feel free to watch those that are most beneficial to you.  Additionally, the League of American Bicyclists website has a number of additional resources.  We strongly encourage you to drop by their website for additional information.

Stay tuned for additional posts to help you in your bike to work ride.

ABC Quick Check (3m21s)

Starting, Stopping, & Shifting (1m37s)

Traffic & Safety (2m48s)

Signaling & Scanning (1m53s)

Common Crashes (3m11s)

10 Things to Know (10m30s)